Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
The Personal and
Social Impact of
Policies and procedures must be estab-
lished to avoid waste and mistakes
associated with computer usage.
Describe some examples of waste and mistakes in an IS
environment, their causes, and possible solutions.
Identify policies and procedures useful in eliminating
waste and mistakes.
Discuss the principles and limits of an individual's right
to privacy.
Computer crime is a serious and rapidly
growing area of concern requiring man-
agement attention.
Explain the types of computer crime and impacts.
Identify specific measures to prevent computer crime.
Jobs, equipment, and working conditions
must be designed to avoid negative health
effects from computers.
List the important negative effects of computers on the
work environment.
Identify specific actions that must be taken to ensure the
health and safety of employees.
Practitioners in many professions
subscribe to a code of ethics that states
the principles and core values that are
essential to their work.
Outline criteria for the ethical use of information
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