Information Technology Reference
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Specialized Systems and Services
With millions of personal computers in businesses across the country, interest in specialized
and regional information services is increasing. Specialized services, which can be expensive,
include professional legal, patent, and technical information. For example, investment com-
panies can use systems such as Quotron and Shark to get up-to-the-minute information on
stocks, bonds, and other investments.
Another example of a specialized communications service is the Nike+iPod Sports Kit,
the result of a collaboration effort between Nike and Apple. The product provides a useful
device for serious runners who want to monitor their performance and listen to their favorite
music while training. The Nike+iPod Sports Kit consists of a small accelerometer to measure
the distance and pace of the athlete. The accelerometer and its transmitter can be mounted
under the inner sole of the Nike+ model shoe, which includes a special pocket in which to
place the device. The accelerometer communicates wirelessly with a receiver plugged into an
iPod nano to enable the athlete to view the walk or run history. The Nike+iPod Sports Kit
can store training information including the length of the workout, the distance covered, the
pace, and number of calories burned. This information can be displayed on the screen of the
iPod or broadcast through the headphones. 70
Organizations are finding many useful applications of telecommunications systems to
help them dramatically improve their products and services and enhance their ability to
collaborate among customers, suppliers, and business partners.
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