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paintings or mood templates if you like. This can be somewhat along the lines of
those used by animation studios such as Disney and Pixar in the early stages of a
project when they work to develop the look and feel of the film they are making.
Compiling a definition
A third option would be to compile a collection or a scrapbook of images that epitom-
ize the look and feel that we ourselves are hoping to create in a shot or sequence.
The best way to gather these would be to head out into the world armed with a cam-
era and shoot these images for ourselves. Physically placing ourselves inside envir-
onments that have the qualities of light and the type of materials that best repres-
ent what we want to produce in our render will give us the opportunity to analyze
everything about the setting on an artistic, technical, and even emotional level.
If time or circumstances don't allow us to take such a hands-on approach, we can
still do a thorough job of compiling a definition by making good use of the Internet.
A couple of hours searching through images by means of a few well-chosen search
phrases can yield excellent results.
We may, for instance, try searches for "wood-paneled bathroom" or "Victorian kit-
chen", if of course those are the type of projects we are working on. Given the scene
type we will be working with here, we may want to try searching for something like
"small gallery interior".
Be sure to use search phrases that are directly related to the type of project you
are working on. This will keep things focused and on track. Spending many hours
searching through masses of images that have little or no connection to our pro-
ject's stated goals would certainly be counterproductive at this stage of the pro-
Of course, just dumping a large collection of images into a folder on our hard drive,
no matter how relevant they are, will not in and of itself benefit us in any great way.
We will need to spend some time breaking down what we see in the images, making
notes on the visual qualities that we find desirable. We can also take a look at a few
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