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found in the DMC sampler rollout in order to determine when more samples need to
be used.
In our case, the only parameter that we need to change here is the noise threshold
value; we will set it to 0.007 .
The lower this number, the more sensitive V-Ray will be to the use of samples,
making it more likely to use of the Max subdiv setting. If we leave this setting too
high, then it wouldn't matter how high we set our Max subdiv values because
V-Ray would never actually get around to making use of the extra samples avail-
able. Conversely, if we go too low, we can increase our render times dramatically
without ever seeing a corresponding increase in image quality.
Finally, let's set our Antialiasing filter type to Box from the dropdown (this is a
slightly soft yet good all round AA filter, as it doesn't sharpen like Lanczos nor over-
soften like Area ), and then take another render.
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