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anything other than petal length to make a classification decision in a third
of the samples. Similar criteria priorities may exist in marketing products to
individuals. For example, it may be most valuable to know gender, followed
by age. You can use priorities to order fields in an online account profile, or
questions in a survey, to target the most important data.
Trees are also perfect for understanding organizations. A family tree is
an example of a visualization technique for an organizational hierarchy,
where ancestors are placed at the root and children branch out from parent
nodes. The work-life equivalent of a family tree is commonly called an
organizational chart , or org chart . An org chart shows the structure
of who reports to whom in a business, from CEO on down the chain of
authority. Org charts provide information about corporate structure, as well
as a framework for understanding corporate performance.
Figure 2-5 shows an example org chart produced by OrgVue. OrgVue is
a software platform for organization design, Human Resources (HR)
analytics, and strategic workforce planning. Bubble size in this graph can be
used to indicate the size of staff or budget. Color can be mapped to other
objective-related characteristics, such as affirmative action employment
classification of staff members.
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