Graphics Reference
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centrality, a node is most important if it can reach all other nodes in the
shortest number of steps.
Grouping by relative relatedness. Graph clustering is a specific class of
clustering that evaluates links when computing relatedness.
A cluster of closely connected nodes in a graph.
Decision Tree
A tree in which each node represents a decision, starting with the root
node, and branches reflect criteria for following one path or another.
When used in thesingular form, degree commonly refers tonode degree,
the count of link connections for a node. In plural form the term refers
to path degree, meaning the number of steps out from a node to other
nodes when following links.
Degree Centrality
A simple measure of the importance of a node in a graph based on the
number of links it has.
Depth-First Search (DFS)
An algorithm that starts with a node and traverses each branch in turn
as far as possible before backtracking and descending down to the next
branch, until the target node or nodes are reached.
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
A directed graph that contains no cycles (paths that link back to a node
already on the path).
Directed Graph
A graph where links have direction (in other words, a start and end that
would mean something different if reversed).
Disconnected Graph
A graph with two or more subgraphs that are not connected.
A relationship between nodes, typically represented with a line. An edge
is more commonly known as a link.
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