Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
==>Digital Business & Culture
==>Graphic Arts
==>Graphic Design
==>Graphics & Illustration
==>Graphics & Visualization
==>HTML, Graphics, & Design
==>Home & Office
==>New & Used Textbooks
==>Project Management
==>Social Sciences
==>Specialty Stores
==>Statistical Computing
==>Studio Art
==>Web Development
==>Web Graphics
==>Words & Language
The categories seem to be a pretty close match to interests. Even
categorizations such as business and project management (which are
otherwise inexplicable) are reflective of interest, implying that this may be
exactly the kind of data that is used to inform categorizations.
Topic Word Clouds
Categorizations were not included in the subgraph used for neighborhood
analysis, but they provide a promising alternative for summarizing
associated interests. Showing categories by count of products in the
neighborhood of Tufte's book will provide a weighted summary of topics.
The following Gremlin queries reuse variables and functions declared
earlier. The count of products for each category is calculated and stored in a
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