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While an analysis of correlations between celebrities may seem trifling, a
similar approach is used to optimize portfolios of other types of assets, such
as financial portfolios, pharmaceutical drugs, or oil wells. The proximity of
nodes as a result of force-directed layout algorithms (discussed in Chapter
4) provides insights into the asset choices that comprise of a collection of
assets, such as close alternatives, isolated singletons, and opposites.
Mapping Social Hierarchies
There is a lot of current interest in social networks. Mapping out social
networks goes back hundreds of years.
Figure 1-12 shows the genealogical tree for French royal family from Louis
XIV to Louis XVI from the topic A Complete Genealogical, Historical,
Chronological, And Geographical Atlas by M. Lavoisne (Philadelphia: M.
Carey and Son, 1820). This wonderful visualization shows direct rulers,
spouses, offspring, and branches that merge together again. Nodes are
shown as transparent diamonds. Links are lines with time proceeding from
top to bottom, and horizontal line style differentiates between the children
of married spouses (plain line) or mistresses (diamond line).
Chapter 5, “Visual Attributes,” explores how to use visual attributes
such as shape and color. Chapter 16, “Design,” discusses related design
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