Graphics Reference
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// Add a label for each country...
var groupText = group.append( 'text' )
.attr( 'x' , labelXOffset)
.attr( 'dy' , labelYOffset);
// ...tailoring arc of text to available space.
groupText.append( 'textPath' ).attr( 'xlink:href' ,
function (d, i) {
return '#group' + i;
}).text( function (d, i) {
return d.value > 300e9? countries[i].CountryName :
d.value > 100e9? countries[i].ISOCC3 :
d.value > 50e9? countries[i].ISOCC2 : '' ;
// ...
Next, add the chords. Use the color of the source country and a darker
version of the same for the outline color. The layout class will supply the
complex path geometry.
// ...
// Add the chords, coloring by source country
chord =
svg.selectAll( '.chord' ).data(layout.chords).enter()
.append( 'path' ).attr( 'class' , 'chord' )
.attr( 'd' ,
.style( 'fill' , function (d) {
return countryColor(d.source.index);
.style( 'stroke' , function (d) {
return countryColor(d.source.index, 0.25);
// ...
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