Graphics Reference
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// ....
var chord;
// Add a group per country. On hover add the fade
class to
// other chords
var group =
svg.selectAll( '.group' ).data(layout.groups).enter()
.append( 'g' ).attr( 'class' ,
'group' ).on( 'mouseover' ,
function mouseover(d, i) {
chord.classed( 'fade' , function (p) {
return p.source.index != i && != i;
// Arcs will step through color spectrum...
var startHue = 180,
hueStep = 360 / countries.length;
var radius = Math.min(width, height)/2 - 10,
innerRadius = radius - 24;
function countryColor(i, l) {
return d3.hsl(startHue - i*hueStep,.7,
// Add the country arcs.
var groupPath = group.append( 'path' ).attr( 'id' ,
function (d, i) {
return 'group' + i;
}).attr( 'd' ,
// Fill with unique hue.
.style( 'fill' , function (d, i) {
return countryColor(i);
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