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function sortCountries(countries) {
var i;
var row;
// for each country...
for (i=0; i<countries.length; i++) {
row = countries[i];
// store clockwise direction from middle of
atlantic (40,-40)
row.ClockwiseDirection = Math.PI*0.5 -
// make sure angles are positive
if (row.ClockwiseDirection < 0) {
row.ClockwiseDirection += Math.PI*2.0;
// finally sort countries by clockwise direction
from middle of ocean
countries.sort( function (a,b) {
return a.ClockwiseDirection - b.ClockwiseDirection;
return countries;
Now that you have functions to prepare the list of countries, it's time to
add a function to process the import records and put them in the right
form. d3.js requires that chord data be supplied in matrix form—a
stripped-down array of arrays of numbers. The matrix cannot include
anything but numbers, and no numbers can be missing. To ensure that the
matrix will be valid, write a function to create the matrix and fill it first with
function initMatrix(size) {
var i,j;
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