Graphics Reference
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.attr("cx", function(d,i) { return scale * (i /
num) + pad; })
.attr("cy", function(d,i) { return scale * (i %
num) + pad; });
In this case, there is a bit more to the method chain to set up the nodes:
svg —Start with the svg object.
.selectAll(".node") —Select all objects contained in the svg
object of class node , which are about to be created.
.data(graph.nodes) —Identify the data (that is, the list of nodes in
the graph object) to connect to the graphical objects.
.enter().append("circle") —Create a graphical circle per each
node in the list.
.attr("r",15) —Set attribute r (that is, the radius) to 15 pixels.
.attr("cx", function(d,i) {return scale * (i / num) +
pad; }) —Set circle x position to a function . The function returns
a value based on the iterator i divided by number of items per line
( num ), scaled by the scale factor, and moved over by pad to adjust for
• .attr( "cy", function(d,i) {return scale * (i % num) +
pad; }) —The function for the y position is similar, using a modulus
( % ) operator to wrap the y value after each column is completed.
Similar to the previous example, at this point, a set of circles has been
created. The next portion generates all the lines corresponding to links. This
code is very similar to the circle code, except that SVG line objects have
different attributes— x1 and y1 refer to the starting x and y coordinates of
the line, and x2 and y2 refer to the ending x and y coordinates of the line.
// draw the links
var link = svg.selectAll(".link")
.attr("x1", function(d,i) { return scale *
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