Graphics Reference
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Thekeyisusedtoretrievethenodewith node = nodemap[name] .Writing
each row requires passing a single object to the formatter . Because the
is placed in order (for example, node["nodeid"], node["count"] , and
so on), and the overall set is placed into a list (denoted with square brackets,
[] ) and passed to the formatter .
The Python script and the sample data set are available in the Supplemental
Materials on this topic's companion website. The overall Python script looks
like this:
import csv
nodemap = {}
# define function to find or add a node; and adjust
its count
def addNode(name):
if name in nodemap:
node = nodemap[name]
node["count"] += 1
node = {"nodeid": name, "count": 1}
nodemap[name] = node
with open ("SciFiWriters.txt", "r") as inputfile:
datareader = csv.reader(inputfile, delimiter="\t")
# skip the header row
next(datareader, None)
# process each row: add source node and target
for row in datareader:
#write out nodes
with open("nodes.txt", "w", newline="") as nodefile:
formatter = csv.writer(nodefile, delimiter="\t")
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