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2. For each line in the link file, take the source node and the target node
and add them to a list of nodes, checking to make sure that nodes are
not duplicated.
3. Write out the node file.
CSV File and Lists
to make it easy to parse .csv and tab-delimited ( .txt ) files. The following
code opens the .csv file and calls a function to add two nodes per each row:
import csv
# open the link file
with open ("SciFiWriters.txt”, "r") as inputfile:
datareader = csv.reader(inputfile, delimiter="\t")
# skip the header row
next(datareader, None)
# process each row: add source node and target
for row in datareader:
The first line imports the Python csv library. The next two lines open
the text file SciFiWriters.txt as read-only ( "r" ) and set the delimiter
to tab ( "\t" ) as opposed to the default, which is a comma. The file has
a header row ( subject influence ), which is skipped over using
next(datareader, None) .
The csv library turns each row of input into a list data structure. You can
access each field in the list using an index (referred to in Python as a slice ).
The index is an integer, starting at zero for the first item. For example,
consider a data row in the data file:
Stephen King Edgar Allan Poe
The first item is accessed using row[0] , which returns Stephen King ,
while row[1] returns Edgar Allan Poe ,andsoon.Youcanreferencethe
entire row simply using row .
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