Graphics Reference
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Figure 4-16: This is a circular layout of 4,000 managers.
Geographic Layout and Maps
out the visualization geographically. Physical networks, such as air traffic,
rail traffic, electrical grids, pipelines, and many supply-chain networks are
the kinds of data that have geographical coordinates associated with them.
Once longitude and latitude coordinates are available for each node, the x
and y values for each node can simply be set to these coordinates and then
displayed in any graph software that supports setting x and y coordinates
based on user-provided data. Figure 4-17 shows domestic passenger air
traffic across the continental United States set out geographically.
Sometimes graphs on maps end up with too many nodes overlapping each
other, typically in densely populated areas, such as the East Coast of the
United States The incredible density of airports in Figure 4-17 obscures
manyoftheairports. Insteadofachieving exactgeographical layout,abetter
approach might be to start with a geographical layout and then shift the
nodes automatically to reduce overlap. The result will be easier to view with
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