Geography Reference
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4. Again use Identify. Notice that you get completely different results from those you got before.
The shape is still polyline, but the Shape_Length is much longer. When you click on a feature,
the line that flashed is usually lengthy—composed of many of the features you saw before.
Look at the table. How many routes are there? ________.
5. Lastly, display Some_Routes from the Catalog Tree. Some_Routes is a subset of All_Routes
that we will use for demonstration purposes. How many features of Some_Routes are there?
From the preceding, you can see that routes are features, but they are features with remarkable, complex,
and useful characteristics, as you will see from the steps that follow.
6. Start ArcMap with a Blank Map. Add two data sets from
___IGIS-Arc\ YourInitials\ Linear_Referencing:
(1) County and (2) Cities, making sure that Cities is at the top of the Table of Contents. From
the geodatabase Pittsburgh.mdb feature dataset PITT_Roads_Routes, add Some_Routes. Make
the line feature dark green, with a width of 2. Make County a beige color.
7. Open the Some_Routes attribute table. Find the route 30000030. Select it in the table and
note its location in the northeast quadrant of the map. See Figure 9-22. How long is the route?
________ feet. Dismiss the Some Routes attribute table. Zoom to the selected feature.
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