Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Exercise 9-3 (Project)
Experimenting with Addresses and Coordinates
1. Using the operating system of your computer, use Notepad to open the text file
[___] IGIS-Arc\Address_Geocoding
Clinton_County_OH_Type1_1994_TIGER_Records.txt is a raw TIGER file. Notice it is composed
of only letters and digits—228 of them in each record. I show you this so you can understand
that the basic TIGER files are simply character files. They contain geographic information, but
to plot this information, you must convert the files into GIS files (e.g., geodatabase feature
classes, shapefiles).
2. Locate the sixth record from the top of the file. Verify that it describes the 4000 block of state
highway 729. Verify that the longitude of the FROM node of that block is 83.613958 WEST.
What is the latitude of the TO node of that block? ________________.
3. Looking at that same record you can discover that the zip code on the left of the highway is the
same as the zip code on the right. In what zip code does this block of highway lie? ________.
4. Start ArcCatalog. Copy the folder
[___] IGIS-Arc\Address_Geocoding
___ IGIS-Arc_ YourInitials
Make a folder connection to the new folder.
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