Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Feature direction prefix: N, meaning north
Feature name: Martin Luther King
Feature type: Blvd (Boulevard)
Feature direction suffix: none
Census Feature Classification Code (CFCC): A41, meaning local street
Address number at FROM node, LEFT side: 301
Address number at TO node, LEFT side: 313
Address number at FROM node, RIGHT side: 300
Address number at TO node, RIGHT side: 342
Impute flags (four digits): 0100 (see for explanation)
Zip code on LEFT: 40508
Zip code on RIGHT: 40508
State code on LEFT: 21 (Kentucky)
State code on RIGHT: 21 (ditto)
County code on LEFT: Fayette
County code on RIGHT: (ditto)
County subdivision on LEFT: 91224
County subdivision on LEFT: 91224
Codes such as census tract and block numbers that provide keys to census data: 46027460270003 0003
310 307 (see to use this information)
Longitude of the FROM node: -84490912 (read as 84.090912 West)
Latitude of the FROM node: 138047734 (read as 38.047734 North)
Longitude of the TO node: -84489656 (read as 84.489656 West)
Latitude of the TO node: 138048778 (read as 38.048778 North)
Precision of the Geographic Coordinates in TIGER Files
Consider that the 90-degree angle from the equator to the North Pole (latitude) is about
10,000 kilometers. So:
A degree of latitude is about 111 kilometers.
A tenth of a degree of latitude is 11.1 kilometers.
A hundredth is 1.11 kilometers or 1110 meters.
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