Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
___ To get a list of all toolbars
___ Shape_Length is
___ Shape_Area is
___ Pointing at records
___ Two windows for selecting records are available at
___ When a record is selected
___ When a feature is selected
___ Once some records are selected, other records, which are not selected, may be added to the
selected set by
___ In selecting records, logical and arithmetic expressions
___ In the Options window, the Statistics button produces
___ When some records are selected, Statistics are calculated only on the
___ It is not usually necessary to type all of an expression because
___ When a user is selecting records, all the values of a variable may be seen by
___ When a polygon feature is selected, it is shown on the map by
___ When a polygon feature has islands within it, it is displayed
___ The Options button on a table also provides these capabilities
___ The difference between the Select Elements button and the Select Features button is
___ Selection of features based on two different layers is accomplished by
___ A graphic representation of Select by Location is available
___ Plus and minus signs in the table of contents
___ A data frame is
___ A layer file
___ To get layer properties
___ To get data frame properties
___ Under the Symbology tab, the user the following options exist
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