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13. Examine the resulting MUAs_Albers map. Verify that there seems to be a sizable amount of
overlap. Zoom in on some areas to get an idea of what the selected areas look like, compared
with the Primary Care areas. Again, turn the layers off and on, finally leaving them on. From
the attribute table of MUAs_Albers, determine how many records are selected. ________ out of
14. Determine how many MUAs_Albers polygons (target layer) relate to the HPSA_PrimaryCare_
Albers polygons in the following ways—being careful to clear selections before each test. 6
Intersect (same as previous step)
Completely contain
Are completely within
Are identical to
6 For a thorough discussion, with graphic portrayals, of all the relationships, see the Esri website
help. If you can't get to it directly use Google, searching for Clementini ArcGIS. (Eliseo Clementini was an author of a
paper on spatial databases.)
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