Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Exercise 5-9 (Review)
Checking, Updating, and Organizing Your Fast Facts File
The Fast Facts File that you are developing should contain references items in the following checklist. The
checklist represents the abilities to use the software you should have upon completing Chapter 5.
ArcGlobe data is located in
You can see Globe View, along with Geography and Table Views, in
Reference system information is located in
Geographic coordinate systems information may be found in
A problem will occur if you attempt to combine data from UTM based on NAD 27 with data based on
NAD 83 or WGS 84 because
Several difficulties in using state plane coordinates occur because
Four ways of getting (geo)graphic map data into digital form are
To do heads-up digitizing
To make a blank shapefile
To load an image file into ArcMap
The toolbar used in making lines in the shapefile is
The purpose of setting the snapping distance is
To use the Editor, you need to set a number of parameters:
Two ways to finish a sketch are
To convert a shapefile into a personal geodatabase feature class
Getting the extent of a personal geodatabase feature dataset correct to begin with is important
To move a personal geodatabase feature class to a new location
To convert a shapefile into a personal geodatabase
The toolbar to use when moving an image file is
Before you attempt to move an image, it is important to turn Auto Adjust off because
To make polygons of digitized lines
To make multipart polygons from single part polygons
To merge multipart polygons
Two ways of providing coordinates by typing in the editor are
In the Editor, to delete a sketch under construction
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