Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
A Warning: Changes Made through Topology Are Permanent
Please note that the changes made to the Water_Lines feature class during validation cannot be reversed,
except by editing. It is important to keep a copy of the original of any feature class involved in a validation
as you did with WL_Copy, in case the results are not what you want.
Exercise 4-9 (Review)
Checking, Updating, and Organizing Your Fast Facts File
The Fast Facts File that you are developing should contain references to items in the following checklist.
The checklist represents the abilities to use the software you should have upon completing Chapter 4.
To make ArcToolbox appear
The categories of tools available in ArcToolbox are
Two lines may cross in different ways. They are
Sometimes you will see two tools that appear to do the same things. That's because they operate on
To find a particular tool
Help for ArcToolbox can be found in several ways:
To label features
“Unable to obtain schema lock” means
The row identifiers in the attribute tables for polygons in geodatabase feature classes, shapefiles,
and coverages are different in these ways:
If two numbers are in theory the same the computer may calculate them to be different because
To participate in a geodatabase topology the feature classes must be part of a
The objects with lower feature class ranks are
Topology rules are defined in the software. These rules define
Since validation of a topology may move objects, it is a good idea to
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