Geography Reference
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to the text file you just created and add it. For the Input Decimal Separator, type the word
“period.” 5 In the Output Feature Class field browse to and pounce on:
___IGIS-Arc_ YourInitials \TextToFeature
Type the name of the feature class you are going to create:
Click Save. Examine the Create Features From Textfile window. When it indicates Completed close it. 6 To
gain screen space, make a tabbed label group from ArcToolbox and the Catalog Tree.
5. In ArcCatalog, under the File menu, pick Connect Folder (or use the Connect To Folder icon on
the Standard toolbar). In the window that appears, navigate (by expansion, not double-clicking)
to the folder
___IGIS-Arc_ YourInitials \TextToFeature
With TextToFeature highlighted, click OK.
6. Notice that the folder entry is selected in the catalog tree. As I indicated before, the entry will
remain there (on this computer) even when ArcCatalog is stopped and started again. As you
remember, this provides a shortcut to this folder to make navigation to it easier. Navigate to the
feature class (down a couple of levels in this folder) TextToFeature_Lines that you just made.
7. Click the Contents tab and notice your TextToFeature_Lines feature class is named in the right
side of the ArcCatalog window. Click the Preview tab. Examine the image for errors. If it is
correct, proceed with the step below. If it is incorrect, assess what you did wrong, then select
TextToFeature_Lines in the left pane of ArcCatalog, and delete it. Using the text editor, fix up the
TextToFeature_Lines.txt text file and then return to Step 4 above and perform the steps to make
the TextToFeature_lines feature class again.
8. Using Preview, look at the attribute Table for the TextToFeature_Lines feature class. Verify the
Shape_Length values for the lines are correct by comparing the table values with the distances
between coordinates you specified in the text file.
Labeling Features
9. Start ArcMap from ArcCatalog, choosing a Blank Map. Dismiss ArcCatalog. Add the feature
class TextToFeature_Lines. (Since we didn't define a spatial reference a warning will appear.
5 In many countries the decimal point is represented as a comma, rather than a period.
6 Since this is a depreciated tool, it operates with the older style of notification windows. This differs from the tools you
saw in exercise 4-2 when you used the Add XY coordinate tools.
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