Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
the products. Whichever scheme is chosen, personnel charged with the function of providing an interface
between products and decision makers should meet among themselves regularly to aid in improving the
effectiveness of the GIS operation.
In Summary
You can see that the number and diversity of potential information products from a GIS are almost
unlimited. These products, however, are useless if they don't fill a need or if they are inappropriate for their
intended audience. The song, “Alice's Restaurant Massacree” by Arlo Guthrie contains the line: “. . . and
the judge [with the seeing-eye dog] wasn't going to look at the twenty-seven 8 by 10 color glossy pictures
with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one. . .”
Design of an information product must, of course, proceed from an enlightened view of the data used
to support it. Equally important, however, is a clear understanding of the needs of decision makers or
administrators who will be using it.
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