Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
at the top of the T/C; line-based layers below them; and polygon, image-based, or grid-based
layers at the bottom. ArcMap generally attends to this on its own, but sometimes you have to
help out.
3. Experiment with the drawing order: The title COLE_DRG.TIF probably appeared at the bottom
of the T/C. Drag it to the top. Notice that it blocks out the display of all the other layers in its
vicinity. Drag COLE_DRG.TIF back to the bottom of the T/C and zoom back to the GPS track, if
you strayed from it.
4. By panning and zooming, look at the part of the DRG between the island and the southern
border. Observe the contour lines. Obviously the elevation changes sharply, since the contour
lines are close together. Read the map to verify the river name and the names of the counties
on each side. Zoom back.
Zoom in on the bend in the river—the most northwest quarter circle of it. What is the NORMAL
POOL ELEVATION “printed” on the COLE_DRG.TIF? _______________. If you don't see it on your
map, rearrange things so that the map looks like Figure 2-21.
5. Since you might want to return to this level of zoom, set a spatial bookmark: From the main
menu select Bookmarks > Create Bookmark 22 and type River_Bend in the Bookmark Name text
box. See Figure 2-21. Click OK. Check that it works by zooming to the entire DRG, then select
Bookmarks > River_Bend.
22 It's just “Create” in Version 10.0.
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