Geography Reference
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47. Press the List By Selection button at the top of the T/C window. Use the Select Features tool
and, while holding down the Shift key, select in the map window each of the three counties
visible in the CNTY_BND_SPN polygon and note the results. The window divides into two
sections: selected layers and selectable layers. Experiment by selecting and deselecting other
features, such as several of the points along the GPS track, and a stream or two, noting the
change in the T/C. You can make layers un-selectable (that is, features cannot be selected)
by clicking an icon to the right of the layer name. Using ToolTips determine the name of that
icon. ______________________. Make CNTY_BND_SPN polygon un-selectable, observe the
change in the T/C, and then attempt to select a county polygon with the Select Features tool.
As you would expect, nothing happens. Click the toggle icon (for CNTY_BND_SPN) again to move
the layer back to the Selectable area. In summary, the T/C can show you layers (feature classes)
that are:
Selected (containing selected feature elements)
Selectable (but not containing feature elements)
Not Selectable 20
Press List By Drawing Order icon at the top of the T/C.
48. Using Save As on the File menu, save the map as River_Map_2.mxd in your Yourinitials folder,
where you originally stored River_Map.mxd. Close ArcMap.
20 Actually a layer can be made “not selectable” and yet be under the Selected heading. This happens if you toggle the
selectability off after some features have already been selected. So no more selections are permitted but the already
selected features remain selected.
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