Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Clear Selection button at the top of the attribute table window. What are other ways to clear
selections? ____________________________.
31. Drag a small box across the river just north of the island. Notice that all points and lines that
have any part within the box are selected. This is one case of Select by Location; there are
many more. Clear all selections—this time by clicking the Clear Selected Features on the Tools
toolbar, not the table.
The Interactive Selection Method in the Selection menu allows you to set up the operation of the Select
Features tool.
Zoom to the extent of cole_vctr by using the Go To Next Extent button in the Tools toolbar
(which points to the right and is next to the leftwards pointing Go To Previous Extent button).
In the attribute table, select the Island, Left Bank, and Right Bank records. Now click Selection
(on the main menu) > Interactive Selection Method. What are the interactive selection
methods? See Figure 2-17. Write them in your Fast Facts File.
Done? ( ) Yes. ( ) No.
Experiment with adding and removing graphic features with the Interactive Selection Method. Finish by
choosing Create New Selection. Clear all selections. Close the attributes table of cole_vctr. Zoom to the
GPS track.
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