Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Selecting: Both Map Data and Attribute Data
In a geographic dataset file (cole_vctr.shp, for example), each feature in the map corresponds to a row
in the attribute database. Here the features (lines) have lengths, in the unit of measurements of the
shapefile (feet). Also, in this case, a description has been added to each line.
25. Look at Figure 2-16 as you work this step. Make sure you are zoomed to the extent of the
GPS layer (Boat_SP83). Open the attribute table of cole_vctr. Find the WHAT column. Find the
attribute value Island. At the left end of that record you will see a gray box; click inside the box.
The record becomes selected—shown by the fact that it is highlighted. At the same time, the
line that delineates the small island at the end of the GPS track will also become selected—
again shown by the fact that it is highlighted. Again, see Figure 2-16.
Whenever a record in a layer's attribute table is selected, the corresponding feature in the data frame will
be selected. If the layer is being displayed, the feature will be highlighted.
26. Click the box of the record that has the WHAT attribute value of Right Bank. Notice that a line
bounding the river is highlighted. Hold down the Ctrl key and click the box related to Left Bank.
Now both records are highlighted, as are both bounding lines. At the bottom of the table,
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