Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Coverages have a number of fields that will not be useful in a personal geodatabase feature class. You
can use the Field Map to eliminate them. You want to lose the fields AREA, PERIMETER, Landcover_, and
Landcover-ID so they don't show up in the personal geodatabase feature class table, so click on the field
name in the field map area to highlight it, and then click the delete button (which looks like a small x).
Do not delete the COST_HA and LC_CODE. The resulting window should resemble Figure 1-37. Assuming
that it does, press OK. When the conversion has completed a pop-up window will appear for a brief period
of time. (If you miss it, open a Results window by navigating to the Geoprocessing drop-down menu and
choosing Results. There you can review all the settings you used in the recent process. Dismiss the
results window when you are finished.)
Looking at the Landcover Personal Geodatabase
Feature Class
20. Navigate to the Area_Features personal geodatabase feature data set. Click it. Within it you
should see Landcover feature class that you created from the Landcover coverage. Select it.
Click the Preview tab. You see a map of the landcover you worked with in Assignment 1-1. In the
drop-down menu in the Preview text box, select Table. How many land cover polygons are there?
____________ Check this against the number of polygons in the Landcover coverage that you
wrote down previously.
21. Examine the Landcover feature class table. Notice the fields Shape_Length and Shape_Area.
These attributes are the perimeters and areas of the polygons. Sort the Shape_Area column
into descending order. The largest polygon is a portion of the lake, with a land cover code
of 500. What is the perimeter of the polygon with the largest land area (to the nearest
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