Database Reference
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Making the Copy One-Way
When performing this copy, it's easy to accidentally copy the entire Core Data
repository. Because all our objects are linked via two-way relationships, if we built a
recursive method to copy the objects and follow their relationships, we would end up
with a complete duplicate of all the recipes.
To prevent this, we added a check into each relationship copy. Whenever it follows a
relationship, it first checks to make sure that the destination entity should be copied.
We do this with a key-value pair in the data model. If there's a key called ppExportRela-
tionship and that key has a value of NO , we skip the relationship. By taking this step,
we guarantee the entity tree is copied in only one direction, as shown in Figure 16,
The flow of the copy , on page 85 .
Figure 16—The flow of the copy
NSDictionary *relationships = [entity relationshipsByName];
NSRelationshipDescription *relDesc = nil;
for (NSString *key in relationships) {
relDesc = [relationships objectForKey:key];
if (![[[relDesc userInfo] valueForKey:ppExportRelationship] boolValue]) {
DLog(@ "Skipping %@" , [relDesc name]);
continue ;
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