Database Reference
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The first method, createDestinationInstancesForSourceInstance: , is called for each
entity in the source store that is associated with this migration policy. For
example, during the migration of the RecipeIngredient entities and the creation
of the Ingredient and UnitOfMeasure entities, this method would be called for each
RecipeIngredient , and it would be expected that at least an Ingredient entity would
be created or associated with the incoming RecipeIngredient as a result.
The code to implement this breaks down as follows:
- (BOOL)createDestinationInstancesForSourceInstance:(NSManagedObject*)source
NSManagedObjectContext *destMOC = [manager destinationContext];
NSString *destEntityName = [mapping destinationEntityName];
NSString *name = [source valueForKey:@ "name" ];
In the first part of the method, we are simply setting up references that will
be needed later. Specifically, we are getting a reference to the destination
NSManagedObjectContext , which we will need to create new entities, the name of
the destination entity, and, most importantly, the name value from the incoming
Since the incoming entity is a RecipeIngredient , the name value will be the name
of the ingredient that we now want to reference.
NSMutableDictionary *userInfo = (NSMutableDictionary*)[manager userInfo];
if (!userInfo) {
userInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[manager setUserInfo:userInfo];
NSMutableDictionary *ingredientLookup = [userInfo valueForKey:@ "ingredients" ];
if (!ingredientLookup) {
ingredientLookup = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[userInfo setValue:ingredientLookup forKey:@ "ingredients" ];
NSMutableDictionary *uofmLookup = [userInfo valueForKey:@ "unitOfMeasure" ];
if (!uofmLookup) {
uofmLookup = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[userInfo setValue:uofmLookup forKey:@ "unitOfMeasure" ];
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