Database Reference
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Prefix.pch . It's what I am used to, and I always know where to look for it. You
will find a similar consistency in some other files such as Info.plist and AppDele-
gate.[m|h] . Whenever you see a reference to one of these files in this topic and
you cannot find it in your project, try prepending ${ProjectName}_ to the front,
and I suspect you will locate it.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DLog(...) NSLog(@ "%s(%p) %@" , __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self,
[NSString stringWithFormat:__VA_ARGS__])
#define ALog(...) { \
NSLog(@ "%s(%p) %@" , __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self, \
[NSString stringWithFormat:__VA_ARGS__]); \
[[NSAssertionHandler currentHandler] handleFailureInFunction:[NSString \
stringWithCString:__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] \
file:[NSString stringWithCString:__FILE__ encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]\
lineNumber:__LINE__ description:__VA_ARGS__];
#define DLog(...) do { } while (0)
#define ALog(...) NSLog(@ "%s(%p) %@" , __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self,
[NSString stringWithFormat:__VA_ARGS__])
#define ZAssert(condition, ...) do {
if (!(condition)) {
} while (0)
A2.2 What Do They Do?
At the core of this collection of macro code are three functions: DLog , ALog , and
ZAssert .
DLog is designed to be a debug version of NSLog . It has the same syntax as
NSLog , with one very important difference. If there is no DEBUG compiler flag
set, DLog will compile down into a no-op. This allows us to add as many DLog
statements to our code as we think is appropriate without worrying about
them degrading the performance of the production application.
The second of these macros is the ALog . ALog is very similar to NSLog ; in fact, it
has the same syntax—but it performs a very different function. ALog , when
the DEBUG compiler flag is set, will throw an NSAssertion whenever it is hit. In
addition, when the DEBUG compiler flag is not set , it will still print its results
out to the console, just like a default NSLog would. This functionality is ideal
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