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Later, as we update and enhance our application, this workflow becomes even
longer and more complicated. Fortunately, the code stays quite sane with the
reuse of view controllers and the use of the storyboard.
Unfortunately, we need to build two specific view controllers for this workflow.
We need one to handle listing the ingredients (including adding and deleting)
and one for adding an ingredient. Fortunately, we can get a lot of reuse from
our text edit view controller in this part of the application.
A1.5 Ready for Core Data
I have intentionally glossed over the Core Data portions of the application in
this appendix. This is the foundation we will use as we learn and work with
Core Data. In Chapter 1, Under the Hood of Core Data , on page 1 , we step
through the components of the Core Data structure of this application and
discuss each in detail. At the end of that chapter, you will have a firm
understanding of the Core Data stack and how to access it. From there we
will begin to utilize some of the more advanced concepts behind Core Data
to improve upon our application. You can use this appendix as a reference
of the overall picture of the application as we delve deeply into the inner
workings of Core Data.
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