Database Reference
In-Depth Information
This storyboard may seem complex. It is, a bit. However, most of the code
needed to support these views is minimal, and there's even a fair amount of
view controller reuse that will make the application easier to develop and
There are three primary elements to this application: a list of recipes, a detailed
view of a single recipe, and the ability to add/edit recipes. The add/edit feature
is the most complex, so we'll save it for last.
A1.2 The Recipe List
When users launch our application, they are immediately presented with a
list of recipes. The list is represented in the storyboard as a UITableView with a
prototype cell. We are using a basic cell in the prototype, as shown in Figure
44, The beginning of our application , on page 211 .
Figure 44—The beginning of our application
Associated with this UI element in the storyboard, we also have a UIViewController
named PPRMasterViewController . The data for this UITableViewController is driven by
an NSFetchedResultsController (which we explore in detail in Chapter 2, iOS:
NSFetchedResultsController , on page 23 ). Right now we are concerned with
the seques of this UIViewController . The segues describe the transition that our
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