Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
<input type="time"
Other valid attributes for the date input type include the following:
name (value must be a string): Identifies a particular field by the string
value associated with the attribute
disabled (acceptable values include disabled , "" , or empty): Speci-
fies that the element is disabled and cannot receive control
autocomplete (acceptable values include on or off ): Specifies wheth-
er the browser should store values entered by the user so inputting a
stored value in the future can be automatically completed by the browser
upon hint by user
autofocus (acceptable values include autofocus , "" , or empty): Spe-
cifies to the browser that the element must receive focus immediately
after the document finishes loading
min (value must be a valid partial time in the form of "HH:MM:SS.Mss",
"HH:MM:SS", or "HH:MM"): Specifies the lowest date allowed to be se-
lected by the user
max (value must be a valid partial time in the form of "HH:MM:SS.Mss",
"HH:MM:SS", or "HH:MM"): Specifies the highest date allowed to be se-
lected by the user
readonly (acceptable values include readonly , "" , or empty): Speci-
fies that the value of this element cannot be changed by the user
step (acceptable values include any or any positive integer): Specifies
how the value attribute of the element is to change
required (acceptable values include required , "" , or empty): Speci-
fies that this element must have a valid value in order for the form to be
allowed to submit
value (value must be a valid partial time in the form of "HH:MM:SS.Mss",
"HH:MM:SS", or "HH:MM"): Specifies the actual date represented by this
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