Game Development Reference
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Based on jQuery's solution to this limited way of accessing document nodes, you can
now retrieve an element (or a collection of elements) from your document by specify-
ing a CSS selector. Any or all nodes that match such CSS selectors are returned by
the new selecting commands:
document.querySelector("css query goes here");
document.querySelectorAll("css query goes here");
Text-to-speech is probably one of the most exciting and powerful features being ad-
ded natively to the browser. While your user can simply type some input into an in-
put field, and you can do with that text input what you wish, the browser now gives
you the ability to take voice input from your user. Whatever the user literally tells the
browser through a microphone, the browser will use its own text analysis algorithms,
and give you the equivalent text transcription. By adding a single line of code to your
application (and a web-based application, no less), you can now get that much closer
to the type of interface only portrayed in movies (or offline, in desktop-based applic-
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