Game Development Reference
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According to the specification, a browser is expected to, but not required to, con-
tinue to evaluate the expressions in media queries and update the CSS rules
as changes take place in the browser environment. In other words, if two me-
dia queries are specified in a page—one for a window with a width below a cer-
tain size and one with a width above that value—the browser is not required
to load the corresponding style sheet if the user manually resizes the browser
width without refreshing the page. However, since this isn't a very common use
case, it should not be of much concern to web designers. Besides, most modern
browsers do in fact re-evaluate media query expressions in real time.
There are nine media types that can be specified and targeted from a media query.
Alternatively, the keyword all can be used to indicate all media types. The allowed
media types in CSS media types are as follows:
braille : Used for braille tactile feedback devices
handheld : Used for handheld devices
print : Used for printers
projection : Used for projectors
screen : Used for computer screens
tty : Used for media using a fixed-pitch character grid
tv : Used for televisions
embossed : Used for paged braille printers
speech : Used for speech synthesizers
The two operators that can be used to connect two or more expressions are the lo-
gical AND and OR operators, indicated by the and keyword and a comma character
respectively. Additionally, the logical NOT operator can be used to negate an expres-
sion. This operator is indicated by the not keyword.
// Applies media queries to:
// viewport width between [200px, 450px] OR
wider than orequals to 1200px
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