Environmental Engineering Reference
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c RT
1.0 to 1.4 eq
L, and the resins can degrade, particularly at temperatures above
60 C [6].
These resins work well over all pH ranges, and readily remove all anions. The preference
series for the most common anions is [8]:
SO 2 4
NO 3
CrO 2 4
I >
Br >
Cl >
OH .
Like the strong-acid exchangers, they can split neutral salts into their corresponding bases
via the hydroxide cycle, and they are also often used in a chloride cycle to remove nitrates
and sulfates from municipal water supplies. The hydroxide cycle is regenerated with a
strong base like NaOH, while the chloride cycle is regenerated with NaCl [4].
R + OH
R + Cl
Hydroxide cycle:
R + Cl
R + OH
NO 3
R + Cl
R + NO 3
Chloride cycle:
R + NO 3
R + Cl +
NaNO 3 .
Even weakly ionized substances, like silica and CO 2 , can be removed with strong-base
exchangers. Sometimes these exchangers are used after a cation exchanger for complete
water demineralization [4].
Weak-base exchangers
A common type of weak-base exchanger uses the same polystyrene-DVB polymer but
contains tertiary amine groups (Figure 8.5) [6].
The weak-base resins are fully ionized at low pHs and not ionized at all at high pH [5].
Like the weak-acid resins, they can suffer from oxidation and organic fouling.
Weak-base exchangers are able to remove anions from strong acids like Cl ,SO 2 4 ,
and NO 3 . They do not remove anions from weak acids very well (silicic, HCO 3 ,
CH 2
CH 2
CH 2
CH 3
CH 3
Figure 8.5 Weak-base ion-exchange monomer (tertiary amine on polystyrene)
[6]. Reproduced with kind permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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