Agriculture Reference
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This research was supported by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation, the
U.S. Department of Energy, the Dutch Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture, and the
International Agricultural Center (the Netherlands). We wish to thank the organizers of
the symposium at the 2009 annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America and the
editors for the opportunity to contribute to this volume.
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Coleman, D.C. 1994. The microbial loop concept as used in terrestrial soil ecology studies. Microbial
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de Ruiter, P.C., A. Neutel, and J.C. Moore. 1994. Modelling food webs and nutrient cycling in agro-
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de Ruiter, P.C., A.M. Neutel, and J.C. Moore. 1998. Biodiversity in soil ecosystems: the role of energy
flow and community stability. Applied Soil Ecology 10:217-228.
de Ruiter, P.C., J.A. Van Veen, J.C. Moore, L. Brussaard, and H.W. Hunt. 1993. Calculation of nitrogen
mineralization in soil food webs. Plant Soil 157:263-273.
Doles, J.L., R.J. Zimmerman, and J.C. Moore. 2001. Soil microarthropod community structure and
dynamics in organic and conventionally managed apple orchards in western Colorado, USA.
Applied Soil Ecology 18:83-96.
Elliott, E.T., and D.C. Coleman. 1988. Let the soil work for us. Ecology Bulletins 39:23-32.
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