Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
The Distribution of Childhood Leukaemias
on Teeside in the Spacetime Cartogram
1968 -1991
Viewed from 2020
(Lens x 2.5)
Viewed from the East, 2014
Viewed from the East, 2001
Figure 9.12 Three slices of all the cases of childhood cancer in Teeside are
shown as the point of view rotates back in time and towards the east. Rotating
the camera around just the cases in one area shows that whenever a cluster is
imagined to exist (and many thought they did exist at that time) it almost always
disappears as the angle, and hence the view, is altered. The light source was in the
west. Note that the lines that appear across many of the spheres partly reflect the
limitations of early visualization software but should not detract from the purpose
of the graphics.
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