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However, any change in qz is related to a change in / through D q ðÞ¼ qcD/ ;
where c is a generalized specific capacity (capacity per unit mass) of the medium
and qc is the generalized volumetric capacity or amount of Z per unit volume that
can be accommodated in the medium per unit increase in /; thus we can write
o q ðÞ
¼ qc o /
ð 3 : 20 Þ
Combining ( 3.18 ), ( 3.19 ), and ( 3.20 ) leads to the transient-state equation
o /
ot ¼ 1
k o /
ð 3 : 21 Þ
If k can be taken as constant over the range of / concerned, ( 3.20 ) becomes
2 /
ox 2
o /
ot ¼ a o
where a ¼ k
ð 3 : 22 Þ
The parameter a can be called a ''generalized diffusivity'' in analogy to the thermal
diffusivity in transient heat flow, for which ( 3.22 ) will be recognized as the gov-
erning equation when we put / ¼ T . Since ( 3.21 ) is homogeneous in / the gen-
eralized diffusivity always has the same dimensions (SI units m 2
s -1 ) regardless of
the particular transport process concerned.
Alternatively to the above thermodynamic treatment of transport processes,
there is the empirical or experimental approach, as mentioned in Sect. 3.2.2 . In this
approach, the flux is related to a conveniently measurable quantity as a proxy for
the gradient of the thermodynamic potential. Fick's law for the treatment of dif-
fusion ( Sect. 3.5.2 ) is an example of the empirical approach; the diffusive flux
density j is related to the gradient in concentration c N of the diffusing species, thus:
j ¼ D dc N
where D is the diffusion coefficient.
3.5 Atomic Diffusion
3.5.1 General
A transport process of particular importance at relatively high temperatures is the
diffusion of atoms, or small groups of strongly bonded atoms, in a matrix of the same
or different material. The topic will be treated briefly both at the phenomological
level and in terms of atomic theory. For general references, see Shewman ( 1989 ,
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