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compared to RT : The value of k may, however, be found to depend on the actual
value of the potential / if measurements are made over a wide range of /.
Where the transport of discrete entities is envisaged, the flux density can be
expressed as j ¼ c N v where v is the velocity of the entities and c N their concentration
(number per unit volume) at the reference cross-section. We can now define the
mobility M of the entities as their velocity when unit force is acting on them, so that
v ¼ MX
ð 3 : 15 Þ
Then we have k ¼ c N M and ( 3.14 ) becomes
j ¼ c N MX
ð 3 : 16 Þ
In the case of a diffusing substance, the thermodynamically defined mobility is
the velocity of transport in unit gradient of chemical potential; this mobility can be
related to the diffusion coefficient D in the empirical treatment of diffusion by the
Einstein formula
M ¼ D
ð 3 : 17 Þ
in the case of ideal solutions, as will be shown in Sect. 3.5 , where non-ideality is
also discussed. Eq. ( 3.17 ) thus relates a thermodynamically defined quantity M to
an empirically defined quantity D. Formally, one could also take dc N = dx as a
''force'' and obtain an empirically defined ''mobility'' that would be equal to
D = c N ; however, in practice the concept of mobility is normally only used in
relation to thermodynamically defined forces.
In the practical analysis of transport processes, a distinction has to be made
between transient or evolving situations and steady states. The relationship ( 3.14 ),
which in terms of the potential / can be written as
j ¼ k d/
dx ;
ð 3 : 18 Þ
serves to fully describe the steady state, in which the flux density and potential
gradient at any given point are unchanged with time. However, steady-state
measurements do not reveal all the properties relevant to transport in more general
situations; in particular, they give no information about the ''capacity'' of the
medium for the transported property, as defined by dZ = d/. Thus, in a transient
situation the amount per unit volume, qz ; of the property Z at any given point is a
function of time involving this generalized capacity (z is the amount of Z per unit
mass and q the density). Consideration of the fluxes in and out of an elementary
volume leads to the continuity or conservation equation
o q ðÞ
ot ¼ o j
ð 3 : 19 Þ
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