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Integrating and putting
1 =ðÞ db = dp
Þ¼ 1 = 3K ; where K is the bulk modulus,
we obtain a steady-state strain rate of
c s ¼ c s0 exp a 1
ð 6 : 75 Þ
a 1 ¼ 3
dp þ 7
ð 6 : 76 Þ
Alternatively, if the pressure effect is expressed as 1 =ðÞ ds = d ð Þ c for a constant
strain-rate test, a similar argument leads to a steady-state flow stress of
a 1
s s ¼ s s0 exp
ð 6 : 77 Þ
where s s0 is the steady-state flow stress at zero pressure and a 1 ; is again given by
( 6.77 ).
When DV D is of the order of an atomic volume or more, the third term in ( 6.76 )
tends to be large compared with the other two terms, leading to the commonly used
c s ¼ c s0 exp pDV
ð 6 : 78 Þ
The quantity DV in this expression corresponds to an experimentally deter-
mined or apparent activation volume DV ( Sect. 4.4.2 ), which can then be
expected to be approximately, but not exactly, equal to the activation volume for
diffusion DV D .
When effects such as viscous drag and cross-slip of dislocations are introduced
in more realistic thermal models of flow, the interpretation of the experimentally
determined activation volume for steady-state flow may be more complex. Only
when such effects are relatively minor compared with the diffusion-controlled
recovery effects can the empirical activation volume be expected to approximate
the diffusion activation volume DV D .
Even if a steady state has been attained at a given pressure, there will, of course,
tend to be transient effects when a step change is made in the pressure (Fig. 6.23 ).
The relationships in Eqs. ( 6.75 ) and ( 6.77 ) can only be applied to the strain rate
and the stress measured after the transient effects have given way to a new steady
state. For the simple recovery-controlled model underlying ( 6.73 ), an instanta-
neous change in stress given by ( 6.63 ) could be expected after a step change in
pressure in a constant strain-rate experiment, but this stress jump may be difficult
to resolve if the recovery rate is high. When the steady-state flow stress includes a
viscous drag component, a larger instantaneous effect is to be expected, corre-
sponding to ( 6.71 ) replacing ( 6.63 ).
Relatively few measurements have been made of pressure effects in either creep
or diffusion in minerals or related materials. See, for example, Ross et al. ( 1979 ),
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