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If we now assume a first order kinetics of recovery in which ð oq = ot Þ c is propor-
tional to the dislocation density q itself and to the dislocation climb velocity v c ;
and inversely proportional to the climb distance needed to bring about annihila-
tion, say half the dislocation spacing,
2 q 2 ; then
¼ a 0 qv c
q 2 ¼ a 0 v c q 2
where a 0 is a numerical constant. Inserting this expression in ( 6.44 ) and recalling
s ¼ aGbq 2 leads to
h ¼ a 0
s 2 v c
G 2 b
c s ¼ r
In the case of diffusion-controlled climb, we can, from ( 6.23a ), put v c
2Db 2 s = kT (assuming r ¼ 2s) to obtain finally
c s ¼ b 0 GbD
ð 6 : 45 Þ
where b 0 a 0 = ab is a numerical constant.
The form of the creep relation ( 6.45 ) suggests that in recovery-controlled creep
the steady-state strain rate can be expected to depend fairly strongly on the stress.
The cube stress exponent can be arrived at in a number of ways and has been
described as the ''natural'' exponent for a high-temperature creep law (Weertman
1975 ). While various materials do conform approximately to ( 6.45 ) in their stress
dependence, many others show a stronger stress dependence in high-temperature
creep, leading Dorn to propose the semiempirical law
c s ¼ A GbD
ð 6 : 46a Þ
where A and n are empirical constants, found to be related according to
Þ n 2 : 7
A 1025
ð 6 : 46b Þ
(Brown and Ashby 1980 ; Poirier 1985 , p. 85). Various theoretical strategems
have been proposed for rationalizing values of n [ 3 ; based on more sophisti-
cated recovery models (for example Poirier 1985 , p. 110; Weertman 1975 ).
It may also be noted that n ¼ 3in( 6.45 ) derives, in part, from an assumption of
linear strain hardening and that the alternative of a parabolic athermal strain
hardening would immediately lead to n ¼ 4 : However, it has been found to be
difficult to rationalize values of n greater than 5 and doubt has been expressed
that a power-law representation of the creep behavior is the most appropriate in
such cases (Poirier 1985 , p. 111)
In Eqs. ( 6.45 ) and ( 6.46a ) the temperature dependence of c s derives mainly
from the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient D, which, in the case
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