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dimensions, the Friedel-Fleischer relation in ( 6.25 ) can be applied; rewriting
this relation in terms of the spacing l of the obstacles in the slip plane, using
l ¼ bx 2 ; we obtain an estimate of the flow stress component due to precipi-
tation hardening as
F 2
bl ð 2T Þ 2
F 2
b 2 lG 2
s f ¼
ð 6 : 27 Þ
[An analogous expression can be obtained from ( 6.26 ) for the case of diffuse
precipitates interacting over a range comparable to their spacing but it is probably
of more limited applicability; see discussion by Ardell ( 1985 )]. The evaluation of
F depends on the nature of the dislocation-particle interaction and may involve
coherency, surface energy, ordering, stacking fault, and elastic modulus effects
(Ardell 1985 ; Gerold 1979 ; Martin 1980 , pp. 53-60). If F is taken as being
proportional to d n ; where d is the width or diameter of a particle, and we introduce
the volume fraction x v of particles through x v d 2 = l 2 ; then ( 6.27 ) leads to
v l 3 2 1
s f / x
ð 6 : 28 Þ
indicating that, for a given volume fraction of particles, the flow strength will
increase as the precipitate coarsens, provided n [ 2 = 3.
2. In the bypassing case, the theoretical model envisages that the dislocation line
bows around the particles, leaving residual loops (''geometrically necessary
dislocations'') as it proceeds further. This process requires a flow stress com-
ponent corresponding to the Orowan bow-out stress
s f ¼ aGb
ð 6 : 29 Þ
(Embury 1985 ; Haasen 1978 , p. 250; Martin 1980 , p. 62) where G ; b ; l are as
defined for Eqs. ( 6.25 ) and ( 6.26 ) and a is a numerical factor of the order of unity.
Such a relation is found to fit experimental observations on initial yield stress quite
well in metals with varying concentrations of dispersed hard particles, especially if
l is taken as the distance between grain surfaces rather than between their centers
(Martin 1980 , p. 63).
The opposite dependences of ( 6.28 ) and ( 6.29 ) on the spacing l (provided
n [ 2 = 3) indicate that during particle coarsening at constant volume fraction,
known as ''Ostwald ripening'', (Haasen 1978 , p. 207) a critical size and spacing of
particles will tend to be reached beyond which bypassing becomes easier than
cutting, this size corresponding to a maximum in the precipitation hardening of the
material. The decrease in strength upon ''over-aging'' of age-hardening alloys is
commonly attributed to such an effect, although this explanation is questioned by
Ardell ( 1985 ).
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