Geology Reference
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An alternative approach, analogous to that used in Chap. 5 (especially Sect. 5.7 ),
is to suppose that, during the climb, material is transported to or from a reservoir
consisting of the surface of a cylinder of radius R, R being the average distance to
neighboring dislocations or other structural discontinuities or surfaces that can act
as sinks or sources. The steady-state solution of the transport Eqs. ( 3.18 ) and ( 3.22 )
in such a case is
J = l ¼ 2pkDl
In ð R = r Þ
ð 6 : 20 Þ
(Carslaw and Jaeger 1959 , p. 189), where J is the flux from a length l of dislocation
when the driving potential difference between the cylinder surface and the dislo-
cation is taken to be the difference in chemical potential Dl (assuming r and T as
independent variables), r the effective radius of the dislocation core, and k the
quantity M = V m where M is the mobility of the diffusing material and V its molar
volume (see Sect. 3.4 ) . The flux J is related to the climb velocity v through J ¼
vbl = V m ; which substituted in ( 6.20 ) leads to
In ð R = r Þ
v ¼
ð 6 : 21 Þ
v ¼ MDl
ð 6 : 22 Þ
The mobility M in ( 6.22 ) is related to the diffusion coefficient D by the Einstein
relation ( 3.27 ), M ¼ D = RT : The value of Dl is obtained from the change in the
work term in the chemical potential as Dl ¼ V m r if there is no potential barrier at
the source or sink. Substituting these quantities in ( 6.22 ) leads again to
v DV m r
ð 6 : 23a Þ
or, in the approximation that V m Lb 3 ; where L is the Avogadro number, to
v Db 2 r
ð 6 : 23b Þ
The two results in Eqs. ( 6.19 ) and ( 6.23a ) are, of course, equivalent apart from
minor differences in the approximations due to slight differences implicit in the
posing of the two climb models.
In applying ( 6.23a ) to elements, V m and D are the molar volume and self-
diffusion coefficient for the atomic species. In the case of compounds, V m is the
molar volume of the molecular species constituting the crystal, and D is the
effective self-diffusion coefficient for this species, which can be obtained from
the self-diffusion coefficients of the constituent atomic species.
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