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where A 0 ; v 0 are empirical constants, Q is an empirical activation energy
(enthalpy), m and DA are the empirical parameters ð olnv = olns Þ T and
ð RT = b Þð olnv = os Þ T ; respectively, and R is the gas constant (note that DA and m are
formally related by m sbDA = RT ). In Eqs. ( 6.15 ) and ( 6.16 ) the activation area
and activation energy have been multiplied by the Avogadro constant, relative to
the values in ( 6.14 ), and the entropic part of the energy has been subsumed under
v 0 ; A 0 .
Following Sect. 3.2.4 , ( 6.16 ) should be the more appropriate form to use when
sbDA 2RT : This situation tends to arise at relatively high stress and low tem-
perature, when there are important viscous drag effects such as the Peierls resis-
tance or the analogous low-temperature drag on screw dislocations in iron, thought
to arise from the extension of core into a zonal structure in three intersecting
planes (Hirsch 1960 ; Hirth and Lothe 1982 , p. 369; Louchet 1979 ; Mitchell et al.
1963 ). Alternatively, if viscous drag effects are still controlling the dislocation
velocity at relatively low stress and high temperature with sbDA 2RT ; then the
form in ( 6.15 ) should be the more appropriate and m could be expected to be close
to unity.
Turning to the experimental situation, there have been various direct mea-
surements of mean dislocation velocity in glide as a function of stress and tem-
perature, using etching, X-ray topography or transmission electron microscopy for
tracking the dislocations (for reviews, see Alexander and Haasen 1968 ; Gilman
1969 ; Haasen 1978 , Chap. 11; Sprackling 1976 , Chap. 9). The stress to which the
velocity is related is commonly, and logically, taken to be the ''effective stress'' s e
acting locally on the dislocation. The effective stress is estimated as the applied
stress minus the internal stress s i arising from other dislocation, s i being taken to
be equal to aGbq 1 = 2 (when a is a numerical constant near to unity, G the shear
modulus, b the Burgers vector, and q the dislocation density; a rationalization for
this expression will be given in Sect. 6.6.2 ). When the experimental results are
fitted to the form ( 6.15 ), the exponent m is found to vary widely, from values of
approximately unity for silicon and germanium to values of 100 or more for
copper. The value of m can also vary markedly with effective stress, so that several
velocity/stress regimes can be distinguished as the stress is increased, commonly
with m * 1 at very low or very high velocities and with higher values of m at
intermediate velocities (Haasen 1978 , p. 263).
Observed values of m 1 are consistent with a predominance of viscous drag
effects, and determinations of activation area may help to identify the controlling
factor. Thus, in the case of germanium and silicon where a value of m 1 is found
at around 700-1,000 K and applied stresses of 10-100 MPa (still a relatively low-
temperature regime for these materials), the activation area, calculated from
DA ¼ mkT = sb ; is of the order of a few times b 2 (Louchet and George 1983 ). This
result is suggestive of the dislocation motion being controlled by a local effect in
the core, such as kink nucleation or migration. In contrast, measurements on most
metals and ionic crystals at relatively low temperatures, analyzed in a similar way,
tend to give values of m much greater than unity and values of DA large compared
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