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Chapter 3. Particular Service Platform
In this chapter, we will focus on Particular Service Platform, which includes ServicePulse,
ServiceControl, ServiceInsight, and ServiceMatrix.
As the names imply, ServicePulse gives us a pulse of the messages, services, and end-
points; ServiceControl is a control API that ServicePulse and ServiceInsight depend on to
get their internal information; ServiceInsight gives us a graphical and message-level drill-
down into services, endpoints, and messages, and it includes a Saga drilldown as well.
ServiceMatrix is a graphical interface into code generation for NServiceBus endpoints, ser-
vices, and messages in a Visual Studio canvas. In this chapter, we will cover the following
• ServicePulse
• ServiceControl
• ServiceInsight
• ServiceMatrix
◦ Introducing custom checks
◦ Publish-subscribe through ServiceMatrix
• Sagas through ServiceMatrix
There are many tools that can be licensed through . These tools work in
developing and monitoring NServiceBus and can be found from their download page, ht-
tp:// . However, one of the benefits of NServiceBus using Mi-
crosoft protocols such as DTC and MSMQ and databases such as RavenDB and SQL Serv-
er is that other tools from Microsoft and Visual Studio may work as well. The drawback is
that a developer or software architect who is developing and designing in NServiceBus will
lose many of the benefits of NServiceBus without using additional tools. These tools in-
clude ServiceMatrix, ServicePulse, and ServiceInsight.
The names of these services explain their use. ServiceMatrix is a development application
in Visual Studio that helps you develop endpoints, messages, and services that include
sagas; it has modeling and code generation tools. ServicePulse takes a quick pulse of NSer-
viceBus's endpoints, messages, and services, providing you with an option to quickly mon-
itor them and get their status; it is a monitoring tool for production operations. Ser-
viceInsight provides as much detail as possible of endpoints, messages, and services and al-
lows you to perform enhanced debugging of these pieces.
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