Database Reference
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SmtpClient sc = new SmtpClient("localhost");
To test the e-mail, here is a simple Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ( SMTP ) listener that
will intercept the e-mails locally on port 25 to view, or rather test, your e-mail sending
scenarios. It can be found at . When the e-mail is sent to the
localhost, it will be recorded for review in the smtp4dev software.
To receive a check only on a daily schedule, say 09:00 A.M, the Windows Task Scheduler
normally takes a console program such as this one to set a daily running schedule. It's
easy to use Task Scheduler to set up a daily recurring task that will just execute this con-
sole program to send a daily e-mail. To use the Task Scheduler, just see ht-
tp:// . We could add tasks to check the
database table, to see whether RavenDB is running, to get a total of the messages, and
more. This is just a beginning sample from a piece of code that monitors many different
endpoints that we will cover in the upcoming chapter.
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