Database Reference
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Data bus messaging
Data bus is used to send large chunks of data or files across as an attachment because of the
limitations of MSMQ to 4 MB. For this reason, a reference can be passed on to a local file
to transfer data using the data bus method.
In this section, we will continue to use the Gateway solution.
The path of the data bus has to be set in the configuration of the endpoint. We will be using
a relative path to where the gateway project is running. Both SiteA and SiteB will also
have relative paths. There will be a relative path to the binary data with a data bus subdir-
ectory that contains the files that will have large data.
When we execute the gateway project, it will have SomeLargeString to simulate data
that is larger than 4 MB.
If we execute the gateway project, it will create a message to the relative path of its binary,
save the message under databus , and use it as a reference to send to SiteA and SiteB .
Here, we see the message saved to the local relative path.
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